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The easiest way to use the Job Search is to enter one or more words as Keywords and the Job Search will find jobs with any of your keywords in the skills, position title or location. However, the job search has more advanced searching capabilities that allows you to include, exclude or even match words together.
A keyword is any word you wish to pinpoint in your search. It may be a skill you have, a company you wish to work for, or the name of a particular project you want to look for.
Leave one space only between words and do not include commas (,). The search field is not case sensitive.Example: Account Management
This technology looks for and matches all commonly used/abbreviated terminology to ensure you get the maximum results to your search. Example: Accounts Receivable, the search will look for accounts rec and acct rec
To include a word in your search, place a plus sign (+) directly in front of the word you wish to include. Do not leave a space between the plus sign and the word. F.Example: Accounts +Management
To exclude a word from your search, place a minus (-) sign directly in front of the word you wish to exclude. Do not leave a space between the minus sign and the Please place all exclude "KEY" words at the end of your list! Example: Accounts -Management
To search for two words together, place double quotes (" ") around the words. Example: "Accounts Clerk"